Welcome to the photo gallery of folklore festivals organized by Moonlight Events. On this page, dedicated to visual presentation of folklore festivals, you can see just a part of beautiful and colorful ambiance. Thousands of people gathered on one place to celebrate cultural heritage, differences and to get to know more about others. If you find this page interesting and want to learn more about folklore festivals in Europe, you can visit the page folklore festivals.
Sorted by months, folklore festivals are organized in different countries, but in the same professional maner.
- International folklore festival Rimini
- International folklore festival Rimini
- International folklore festival Rimini
- International folklore festival Rimini
- International folklore festival Rimini
- International folklore festival Rimini
- Folklore festival Rimini – Italy
- Folklore festival Rimini – Italy
- Folklore festival Rimini – Italy
- Folklore festival Rimini – Italy
- Folklore festival Rimini – Italy
- International folklore festival Italy – rimini 2019.
- International folklore festival Italy – rimini 2019.
- International folklore festival Italy – rimini 2019.
- International folklore festival Italy – rimini 2019.
- International folklore festival Italy – rimini 2019.
- International folklore festival Italy – rimini 2019.
- Folk dance festival Italy – Rimini
- Folk dance festival Italy – Rimini
- Folk dance festival Italy – Rimini
- Folk dance festival Italy – Rimini
- Folk dance festival Italy – Rimini
- Folk dance festival Italy – Rimini
- International folk festival Europe
- International folk festival Europe
- International folk festival Europe
- International folk festival Europe
- International folk festival Europe
- International folk festival Europe
- Folklore festivals
- Folklore festivals
- Folklore festivals
- Folklore festivals
- Folklore festivals
- Folk dance festival
- Folk dance festival
- Folk dance festival
- Folk dance festival
- Folk dance festival
- Folk dance festival
- Folklore festival Venice
- Folklore festival Venice
- Folklore festival Venice
- Folklore festival Venice
- Folklore festival Venice
- Folklore festival Venice
- Folklore festival Rome
- Folklore festival Rome
- Folklore festival Rome
- Folklore festival Rome
- Folklore festival Rome
- Folklore festival Rome
- Folk dance championship
- Folk dance championship
- Folk dance championship
- Folk dance championship
- Folk dance championship
- Folk dance championship
- Folk dance competition
- Folk dance competition
- Folk dance competition
- Folk dance competition
- Folk dance competition
- Folk dance competition
- Folklore festival competition
- Folklore festival competition
- Folklore festival competition
- Folklore festival competition
- Folklore festival competition
- Folklore festival competition
- Folklore festival competition Italy
- Folklore festival competition Italy
- Folklore festival competition Italy
- Folklore festival competition Italy
- Folklore festival competition Italy
- Folklore festival competition Italy
- Folklore festival competition rimini
- Folklore festival competition rimini
- Folklore festival competition rimini
- Folklore festival competition rimini
- Folklore festival competition rimini
- Folklore festival competition rimini
- Rimini events Italy
- Rimini events Italy
- Rimini events Italy
- Rimini events Italy
- Rimini events Italy
- Rimini events Italy
- Summer folklore festivals Italy
- Summer folklore festivals Italy
- Summer folklore festivals Italy
- Summer folklore festivals Italy
- Summer folklore festivals Italy
- Summer folklore festivals Italy
- Folklore festivals August
- Folklore festivals August
- Folklore festivals August
- Folklore festivals August
- Folklore festivals August
- Folklore festivals August
- Folklore festivals, choir festivals, modern dance festivals
- Folklore festivals, choir festivals, modern dance festivals
- Folklore festivals, choir festivals, modern dance festivals
- Folklore festivals, choir festivals, modern dance festivals
- Folklore festivals, choir festivals, modern dance festivals
- Folklore festivals, choir festivals, modern dance festivals
- Folklore festival choir festival modern dance festival Italy
- Folklore festival choir festival modern dance festival Italy
- Folklore festival choir festival modern dance festival Italy
- Folklore festival choir festival modern dance festival Italy
- Folklore festival choir festival modern dance festival Italy
- Folklore festival choir festival modern dance festival Italy
- Folklore festival choir festival modern dance festival Italy
- Folklore festival choir festival modern dance festival Rimini
- Folklore festival choir festival modern dance festival Rimini
- Folklore festival choir festival modern dance festival Rimini
- Folklore festival choir festival modern dance festival Rimini
- Folklore festival choir festival modern dance festival Rimini
- Folklore festival choir festival modern dance festival Rimini
- Participation on the folklore festivals
- Participation on the folklore festivals
- Participation on the folklore festivals
- Participation on the folklore festivals
- Participation on the folklore festivals
- Participation on the folklore festivals
- Participation on the folklore festivals
- Folk dance festivals participation
- Folk dance festivals participation
- Folk dance festivals participation
- Folk dance festivals participation
- Folk dance festivals participation
- Folk dance festivals participation
- Choir festivals participation
- Choir festivals participation
- Choir festivals participation
- Choir festivals participation
- Choir festivals participation
- Choir festivals participation
- Modern dance festivals participation
- Modern dance festivals participation
- Modern dance festivals participation
- Modern dance festivals participation
- Modern dance festivals participation
- Modern dance festivals participation
- Folklore festivals in Italy
- Folklore festivals in Italy
- Folklore festivals in Italy
- Folklore festivals in Italy
- Folklore festivals in Italy
- Folklore festivals in Italy
- Folklore festivals in Rimini
- Folklore festivals in Rimini
- Folklore festivals in Rimini
- Folklore festivals in Rimini
- Folklore festivals in Rimini
- Folklore festivals in Rimini
- Folklore festivals in Rimini
- Folklore festivals in Rimini
- Folklore festivals in Rimini
- Folklore festivals in Rimini
- Folklore festivals Italy 2020.
- Folklore festivals Italy 2020.
- Folklore festivals Italy 2020.
- Folklore festivals Italy 2020.
- Folklore festivals Italy 2020.
- Folklore festivals Italy 2020.
- Folklore festival Krakow
- Folklore festival Krakow
- Folklore festival Krakow
- Folklore festival Krakow
- Folklore festival Krakow
- Folklore festival Krakow
- Folklore festival Krakow
- International folklore festival Krakow – Poland
- International folklore festival Krakow – Poland
- International folklore festival Krakow – Poland
- International folklore festival Krakow – Poland
- International folklore festival Krakow – Poland
- International folklore festival Krakow – Poland
- Folk dance festival Krakow
- Folk dance festival Krakow
- Folk dance festival Krakow
- Folk dance festival Krakow
- Folk dance festival Krakow
- Folk dance festival Krakow
- Folklore festival Barcelona
- Folklore festival Barcelona
- Folklore festival Barcelona
- Folklore festival Barcelona
- Folklore festival Barcelona
- Folklore festival Barcelona
- International folklore festival Barcelona
- International folklore festival Barcelona
- International folklore festival Barcelona
- International folklore festival Barcelona
- International folklore festival Barcelona
- International folklore festival Barcelona
- Folk dance festival Barcelona
- Folk dance festival Barcelona
- Folk dance festival Barcelona
- Folk dance festival Barcelona
- Folk dance festival Barcelona
- Folk dance festival Barcelona
- Folklore festival competition Barcelona – Spain
- Folklore festival competition Barcelona – Spain
- Folklore festival competition Barcelona – Spain
- Folklore festival competition Barcelona – Spain
- Folklore festival competition Barcelona – Spain
- Folklore festival competition Barcelona – Spain
- Folklore – Italy
- Folklore – Italy
- Folklore – Italy
- Folklore – Italy
- Folklore – Italy
- Folklore – Italy
- Summer folklore festival Barcelona – Spain
- Summer folklore festival Barcelona – Spain
- Summer folklore festival Barcelona – Spain
- Summer folklore festival Barcelona – Spain
- Summer folklore festival Barcelona – Spain
- Summer folklore festival Barcelona – Spain
- Best folklore festivals Italy
- Best folklore festivals Italy
- Best folklore festivals Italy
- Best folklore festivals Italy
- Best folklore festivals Italy
- Best folklore festivals Italy
- Best folklore festival Spain
- Best folklore festival Spain
- Best folklore festival Spain
- Best folklore festival Spain
- Best folklore festival Spain
- Best folklore festivals Barcelona
- Best folklore festivals Barcelona
- Best folklore festivals Barcelona
- Best folklore festivals Barcelona
- Best folklore festivals Barcelona
- Best folklore festivals Barcelona
- Folklore festivals Greece
- Folklore festivals Greece
- Folklore festivals Greece
- Folklore festivals Greece
- Folklore festivals Greece
- Folklore festivals Greece
- International folklore festival Greece
- International folklore festival Greece
- International folklore festival Greece
- International folklore festival Greece
- International folklore festival Greece
- International folklore festival Greece
- Folklore festival Thessaloniki
- Folklore festival Thessaloniki
- Folklore festival Thessaloniki
- Folklore festival Thessaloniki
- Folklore festival Thessaloniki
- Folklore festival Thessaloniki
- Folk dance festival Thessaloniki
- Folk dance festival Thessaloniki
- Folk dance festival Thessaloniki
- Folk dance festival Thessaloniki
- Folk dance festival Thessaloniki
- Folk dance festival Thessaloniki
- Folk dance festival Greece – Thessaloniki
- Folk dance festival Greece – Thessaloniki
- Folk dance festival Greece – Thessaloniki
- Folk dance festival Greece – Thessaloniki
- Folk dance festival Greece – Thessaloniki
- Folk dance festival Greece – Thessaloniki
- Folklore festival choir festival modern dance festival Barcelona – spain
- Folklore festival choir festival modern dance festival Barcelona – spain
- Folklore festival choir festival modern dance festival Barcelona – spain
- Folklore festival choir festival modern dance festival Barcelona – spain
- Folklore festival choir festival modern dance festival Barcelona – spain
- Folklore festival choir festival modern dance festival Barcelona – spain
- Folklore festival Rome Italy
- Folklore festival Rome Italy
- Folklore festival Rome Italy
- Folklore festival Rome Italy
- Folklore festival Rome Italy
- Folklore festival Rome Italy
- Folklore festival Prague Czech republic
- Folklore festival Prague Czech republic
- Folklore festival Prague Czech republic
- Folklore festival Prague Czech republic
- Folklore festival Prague Czech republic
- Folklore festival Prague Czech republic
- Folklore festival Prague Czech republic
- Folklore festival choir festival modern dance festival Barcelona – spain
- Folklore festival choir festival modern dance festival Barcelona – spain
- Folklore festival choir festival modern dance festival Barcelona – spain
- Folklore festival choir festival modern dance festival Barcelona – spain
- Folklore festival choir festival modern dance festival Barcelona – spain
- Folklore festival choir festival modern dance festival Barcelona – spain
- Folklore festival Rome Italy
- Folklore festival Rome Italy
- Folklore festival Rome Italy
- Folklore festival Rome Italy
- Folklore festival Rome Italy
- Folklore festival Rome Italy
- Folklore festival Prague Czech republic
- Folklore festival Prague Czech republic
- Folklore festival Prague Czech republic
- Folklore festival Prague Czech republic
- Folklore festival Prague Czech republic
- Folklore festival Prague Czech republic
- Folk dance festival Rome Italy
- Folk dance festival Rome Italy
- Folk dance festival Rome Italy
- Folk dance festival Rome Italy
- Folk dance festival Rome Italy
- Folk dance festival Rome Italy
- Folklore festivals participation Barcelona Spain
- Folklore festivals participation Barcelona Spain
- Folklore festivals participation Barcelona Spain
- Folklore festivals participation Barcelona Spain
- Folklore festivals participation Barcelona Spain
- Folklore festivals participation Barcelona Spain
- international folklore festival Prague Czech republic
- international folklore festival Prague Czech republic
- international folklore festival Prague Czech republic
- Costa Brava folk festival
- Costa Brava folk festival
- Costa Brava folk festival
- Folk dance events spain Barcelona costa brava
- Folk dance events spain Barcelona costa brava
- Folk dance events spain Barcelona costa brava
- Folk dance events spain Barcelona costa brava
- Folk dance events spain Barcelona costa brava
- Folk dance events spain Barcelona costa brava
- folk dance event Greece Thessaloniki
- : lloret de mar folklore festival
- folk dance event Greece Thessaloniki
- : lloret de mar folklore festival
- folk dance event Greece Thessaloniki
- folk dance event Greece Thessaloniki
- folk dance event Greece Thessaloniki
- Moonlight events folklore festival Rimini Italy
- Moonlight events folklore festival Rimini Italy
- Moonlight events folklore festival Rimini Italy
- Moonlight events folklore festival Rimini Italy
- Moonlight events folklore festival Rimini Italy
- Moonlight events folklore festival Rimini Italy
- Folklore festival Venice Italy folk dance events
- Folklore festival Venice Italy folk dance events
- Folklore festival Venice Italy folk dance events
- Folklore festival Venice Italy folk dance events
- Folklore festival Venice Italy folk dance events
- Folklore festival Venice Italy folk dance events
- International folklore festival in Venice – Italy
- International folklore festival in Venice – Italy
- International folklore festival in Venice – Italy
- International folklore festival in Venice – Italy
- International folklore festival in Venice – Italy
- International folklore festival in Venice – Italy
- International folklore festival in Venice – Italy
- Spain Barcelona Costa Brava folk festival
- Spain Barcelona Costa Brava folk festival
- Spain Barcelona Costa Brava folk festival
- Spain Barcelona Costa Brava folk festival
- Spain Barcelona Costa Brava folk festival
- Venice folk dance festival
- folk dance festival Prague 2017
- folk dance festival Prague 2017
- folk dance festival Prague 2017
- folk dance festival Prague 2017
- folklore festival Thessaloniki 2017
- folklore festival, choir festival, modern dance festival Thessaloniki Greece
- folklore festival, choir festival, modern dance festival Thessaloniki Greece
- folklore festival, choir festival, modern dance festival Thessaloniki Greece
- folklore festival, choir festival, modern dance festival rome Italy
- folklore festival, choir festival, modern dance festival rome Italy
- folklore festival, choir festival, modern dance festival rome Italy
- Folklore festivals folk dance groups
- Folklore festivals folk dance groups
- Folklore festivals folk dance groups
- Folklore festivals folk dance groups
- Folklore festivals folk dance groups
- Folklore festivals folk dance groups
- Tradition, folklore, art, culture
- Tradition, folklore, art, culture
- Tradition, folklore, art, culture
- Tradition, folklore, art, culture
- Tradition, folklore, art, culture
- Tradition, folklore, art, culture
- Travelling abroad folklore festivals participation
- Travelling abroad folklore festivals participation
- Travelling abroad folklore festivals participation
- Travelling abroad folklore festivals participation
- Travelling abroad folklore festivals participation
- Travelling abroad folklore festivals participation
- Folk dance groups performances
- Folk dance groups performances
- Folk dance groups performances
- Folk dance groups performances
- Folk dance groups performances
- Folk dance groups performances
- Organization of folklore festivals
- Organization of folklore festivals
- Organization of folklore festivals
- Organization of folklore festivals
- Organization of folklore festivals
- Organization of folklore festivals
- International folklore festivals organization
- International folklore festivals organization
- International folklore festivals organization
- International folklore festivals organization
- International folklore festivals organization
- International folklore festivals organization
- International competition folklore festivals
- International competition folklore festivals
- International competition folklore festivals
- International competition folklore festivals
- International competition folklore festivals
- International competition folklore festivals
- Folklore festival Paris france
- Folklore festival Paris france
- Folklore festival Paris france
- Folklore festival Paris france
- Folklore festival Paris france
- Folklore festival Paris france
- Folklore festivals Serbia
- Folklore festivals Serbia
- Folklore festivals Serbia
- Folklore festivals Serbia
- Folklore festivals Serbia
- Folklore festivals Serbia
- Folk dance groups turkey, mexico, argentina, Romania
- Folk dance groups turkey, mexico, argentina, Romania
- Folk dance groups turkey, mexico, argentina, Romania
- Folk dance groups turkey, mexico, argentina, Romania
- Folk dance groups turkey, mexico, argentina, Romania
- Folk dance groups turkey, mexico, argentina, Romania
- Biggest folklore festival in spain – Barcelona - Costa Brava
- Biggest folklore festival in spain – Barcelona - Costa Brava
- Biggest folklore festival in spain – Barcelona - Costa Brava
- Biggest folklore festival in spain – Barcelona - Costa Brava
- Biggest folklore festival in spain – Barcelona - Costa Brava
- Biggest folklore festival in spain – Barcelona - Costa Brava
- Folklore festival Barcelona Spain – Moonlight Events
- Folklore festival Barcelona Spain – Moonlight Events
- Folklore festival Barcelona Spain – Moonlight Events
- Folklore festival Barcelona Spain – Moonlight Events
- Folklore festival Barcelona Spain – Moonlight Events
- Folklore festival Barcelona Spain – Moonlight Events
- Folklore festival Spain – group performances
- Folklore festival Spain – group performances
- Folklore festival Spain – group performances
- Folklore festival Spain – group performances
- Folklore festival Spain – group performances
- Folklore festival Spain – group performances
- Best folklore festivals – Spain Barcelona
- Best folklore festivals – Spain Barcelona
- Best folklore festivals – Spain Barcelona
- Best folklore festivals – Spain Barcelona
- Best folklore festivals – Spain Barcelona
- Best folklore festivals – Spain Barcelona
- Folk dance festivals Italy, Spain, Greece.
- Folk dance festivals Italy, Spain, Greece.
- Folk dance festivals Italy, Spain, Greece.
- Folk dance festivals Italy, Spain, Greece.
- Folk dance festivals Italy, Spain, Greece.
- Folk dance festivals Italy, Spain, Greece.
- Folklore festival groups from argentina, Armenia, turkey, Lithuania, Iceland, Mexico
- Folklore festival groups from argentina, Armenia, turkey, Lithuania, Iceland, Mexico
- Folklore festival groups from argentina, Armenia, turkey, Lithuania, Iceland, Mexico
- Folklore festival groups from argentina, Armenia, turkey, Lithuania, Iceland, Mexico
- Folklore festival groups from argentina, Armenia, turkey, Lithuania, Iceland, Mexico
- Folklore festival groups from argentina, Armenia, turkey, Lithuania, Iceland, Mexico
- Folklore festival award ceremony
- Folklore festival award ceremony
- Folklore festival award ceremony
- Folklore festival award ceremony
- Folklore festival award ceremony
- Folklore festival award ceremony
- Moonlight Events – International folklore festivals
- Moonlight Events – International folklore festivals
- Moonlight Events – International folklore festivals
- Moonlight Events – International folklore festivals
- Moonlight Events – International folklore festivals
- Moonlight Events – International folklore festivals
- Folk dance festival, choir festival, modern dance festival in Rome – Italy
- Folk dance festival, choir festival, modern dance festival in Rome – Italy
- Folk dance festival, choir festival, modern dance festival in Rome – Italy
- Folk dance festival, choir festival, modern dance festival in Rome – Italy
- Folk dance festival, choir festival, modern dance festival in Rome – Italy
- Folk dance festival, choir festival, modern dance festival in Rome – Italy
- Folklore festival opening ceremony
- Folklore festival opening ceremony
- Folklore festival opening ceremony
- Folklore festival opening ceremony
- Folklore festival opening ceremony
- Folklore festival opening ceremony
- Folklore festivals defile and performances
- Folklore festivals defile and performances
- Folklore festivals defile and performances
- Folklore festivals defile and performances
- Folklore festivals defile and performances
- Folk dance events in Spain
- Folk dance events in Spain
- Folk dance events in Spain
- Folk dance events in Spain
- Folk dance events in Spain
- Folk dance events in Spain
- Folklore festival organization
- Folklore festival organization
- Folklore festival organization
- Folklore festival organization
- Folklore festival organization
- Folklore festival organization
- Folklore festivals, travel in Spain – Europe
- Folklore festivals, travel in Spain – Europe
- Folklore festivals, travel in Spain – Europe
- Folklore festivals, travel in Spain – Europe
- Folklore festivals, travel in Spain – Europe
- Folklore festivals, travel in Spain – Europe
- Folk dance groups Turkey Istanbul
- Folk dance groups Turkey Istanbul
- Folk dance groups Turkey Istanbul
- Folk dance groups Turkey Istanbul
- Folk dance groups Turkey Istanbul
- Folk dance groups Turkey Istanbul
- Folklore festival Istanbul Turkey
- Folklore festival Istanbul Turkey
- Folklore festival Istanbul Turkey
- Folklore festival Istanbul Turkey
- Folklore festival Istanbul Turkey
- Folklore festival Istanbul Turkey
- Best folklore festivals organization
- Best folklore festivals organization
- Best folklore festivals organization
- Best folklore festivals organization
- Best folklore festivals organization
- Best folklore festivals organization
- Attending folklore festival Barcelona Spain
- Attending folklore festival Barcelona Spain
- Attending folklore festival Barcelona Spain
- Attending folklore festival Barcelona Spain
- Attending folklore festival Barcelona Spain
- Attending folklore festival Barcelona Spain
- Folk festival groups Estonia, Netherlands, Mexico, Turkey, Armenia.
- Folk festival groups Estonia, Netherlands, Mexico, Turkey, Armenia.
- Folk festival groups Estonia, Netherlands, Mexico, Turkey, Armenia.
- Folk festival groups Estonia, Netherlands, Mexico, Turkey, Armenia.
- Folk festival groups Estonia, Netherlands, Mexico, Turkey, Armenia.
- Folk festival groups Estonia, Netherlands, Mexico, Turkey, Armenia.
- Ballroom dance, Majorettes, Brass band, defile
- Ballroom dance, Majorettes, Brass band, defile
- Ballroom dance, Majorettes, Brass band, defile
- Ballroom dance, Majorettes, Brass band, defile
- Ballroom dance, Majorettes, Brass band, defile
- Ballroom dance, Majorettes, Brass band, defile
- Folklore festival defile Spain Barcelona
- Folklore festival defile Spain Barcelona
- Folklore festival defile Spain Barcelona
- Folklore festival defile Spain Barcelona
- Folklore festival defile Spain Barcelona
- Folklore festival defile Spain Barcelona
- Folklore festival choreography
- Folklore festival choreography
- Folklore festival choreography
- Folklore festival choreography
- European folklore festivals
- European folklore festivals